In this era of digitalization, any piece of information is easily available on the internet. Generally, we tend to believe the information on social media sites, especially done by verified accounts. But, they are not necessarily true always. We have already covered many fake and misleading narratives by verified accounts, like Yogi Devnath, Mushaal Mullick, and Naveen Kumar Jindal. There are many more accounts that are quite famous but they use Twitter to mislead people or to create hate. Here, in this exclusive analysis, we will cover one such man Khaled Beydoun.
Who is Khaled Beydoun?
Khaled is a Law Professor Author and combat Sports Fan as described in his Twitter bio. He is also an author of the books like American Islamophobia. Moreover, Khaled joined Twitter in October 2013. His timeline shows that he is highly active and engaged. He has done almost 6,000 tweets on Twitter.
Further, his engagement timeline shows that he is busy throughout the period.
The maximum of posts was done on Mar 28, 2021, with almost 40 tweets on that day.
Posts done by Khaled Beydoun
When we look into its posts of Khaled. We found that he has done a lot of posts about the administration of India, China, Ukraine, and Afghanistan. And, most of his tweets are filled with Islamic sentiments.
Posts Regarding Kashmir
We saw that he took a particular interest in Kashmir and has done many tweets regarding Kashmir. In one of his tweets, he posted a Picture with Free Kashmir written on it.
In the same vein, in one such tweet he wrote, “Question: Why has Ukraine received around-the-clock media coverage when Russia invaded it in February? But… #Kashmir received next to ZERO media attention when India and Modi forcefully took it over, in a similar fashion, in 2019?” As Kashmir is an integral part of India since the time when the Instrument of Accession was signed on October 26, 1947. The people of Kashmir are a citizen of India who gets all the privileges that an Indian citizen gets. Above all, whatever happens in Kashmir be it the abrogation of article 370 in 2019 is an internal matter of India. And, comparing Kashmir with the ongoing situation of Ukraine which is being invaded by a foreign power Russia is an attempt to mislead people.
Post Done to provoke Muslims
Khaled Beydoun has done many provoking tweets like he tweeted, “If you’re silent on Hindtuva supremacy and violence in #India and live in India – you’re enabling it to expand and carry forward.”
Similarly, in one of his tweets, Khaled accused the Indian Government with severe allegations of making prison camps in Assam, especially for Muslims. He wrote, “Modi and the BJP-led regime are building largescale prison camps in Assam, #India The aim? Imprison Muslim citizens without documents, strip them of their citizenship, and diminish the Muslim population statistically.”
Further, accusing India of violence against Muslim women wrote in his one tweet,” Since the BJP took power – #India has become an epicentre of global violence against Muslim women.”
Tweets About Islamophobia In India.
Khaled Beydoun wrote in one of his tweets said that, “ India is the epicentre of global Islamophobia.” In another such tweet he wrote, “It used to be France and the United States. Now, India and China are the epicentres of global Islamophobia.
More misleading news by him
Khaled has posted a lot of misleading or false news and among them many are related to India.
For example, in one of his tweet Khaled Beydoun posted a misleading news which DFRAC has already covered in the story titled,” Did a Hindu restaurant manager in Bahrain denied entry of a hijab-wearing woman?”
Then, He wrote in a tweet that, “The state demolished hotels because urs owners protested the Hijab Ban in India.” But, the real cause of the demolition of the hotel was that it constructed in an unauthorized property. Hence, giving this incident communal angle is misleading.
Accounts mentioned
Below is the graph of accounts mentioned by Khaled Beydoun. He has tagged @baitulmaal the most with almost 60 times followed by @cjwerleman and @cjwerlemanshow with 46 and 24 times respectively. He has also tagged @hindutvawatchin many times.
Retweets By Khaled Beydon
Most of his retweets related to India are amalgamated with hate and misleading content in it. He has retweeted many posts of CJ Werleman. As we have already covered the hateful narrative of CJ Werleman in our exclusive report.
Moreover, he retweeted a misleading tweet of CJ Werleman that “let Muslim girls live the way they want to live.” India born Miss Universe @HarnaazKaur urges her county to stop targeting Muslim girls and women over Hijab.” But, in reality Harnaaz Kaur said not to target girls (not specifically muslim girls) and to let her live the way they want to live. Hence, adding the word muslim to give communal shades. And, to present it in a misleading way.
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Below is the word cloud that shows what were the words that were mostly used in the tweets of Khaled Beydoun. Some of the words include, “Muslim”, “killed”, “war”, “India”, “hijab”, “Kashmir”, etc.
Hashtag Used
Below is the graph depicting the hashtags which were used mostly in the tweets of Khaled Beydoun. Some of the hashtags include #India with the highest number of times used, i.e. more than 120 times, followed by #Ramadan, #Kashmir, #Ukraine, #Afghanistan with 52, 41, 30, and 27 times respectively.
Twitter Followers
Below are the followers of Khaled Beydoun, some big accounts following him include, @MNG_GiLL, @NabiyaKhan11, @aima_kh, @k11k_444, etc.
Followers Location
The world map shows that out of 5k followers max are from India more than 900 users followed by Pakistan with 370 users, followed by USA and UK with 161 and 76 followers.
Types of Posts
The below pie chart shows that Khaled Beydoun does tweets a maximum number of times with almost 82% followed by retweets and replies with around 15% and 3% respectively.
Types of Media
It is seen that comparatively he posts pictures a lot rather than videos and GIFs.
Device Used to Tweet
It is seen that a maximum of his tweets was done from an iPhone with almost 2,000 tweets and the rest from the web app of Twitter.
Therefore, after our exclusive report it is clear that Khaled Beydoun has done a lot of hateful tweets about India. Further, he has done a lot of misleading and inflammatory posts about Kashmir and have falsely accused India for conspiracy and violence against its minority Muslim population. Not only Kashmir, he has tweeted about many internal issues of India and has present many news in a misleading way.