A ‘journalist’ going by the “काकावाणी” on Twitter has a notorious history with social media use. Currently, his...
As the UP elections are coming closer, the amount of fake news circulating online regarding it is...
Comedian Vir Das has been receiving a lot of criticism and also praise for his comedy special...
Since 1964, every year on November 14, the birth anniversary of India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, is...
Many videos are also shared on social media for the purpose of making common people aware. But...
Indian Twitter has become very abusive towards outspoken and vocal women who use the platform to speak...
Diwali or Deepawali, a festival of light and solidarity, is being used by some mischievous elements to...
October 24,2021 marks the first game of the T20 World Cup 2021 tournament between Pakistan & Indian...
The Attack Vandalism Durga Puja, the biggest religious festival of Hindus in Bangladesh came to end amid...
On October 22,2021, Shefali Vaidya, a popular figure on conservative social media posted a screenshot of an...