The channel posted a video on its official Twitter account. Also wrote that the atrocities on Hindus are not stopping in Pakistan, a Hindu woman was beaten up with sticks on a minor issue. Victim Hindus are not being heard anywhere.
Source: Twitter
In the video, some men can be seen assaulting a woman.
Fact Check:
To verify Zee Hindustan’s claim, the DFRAC team first converted the video into multiple keyframes with the help of InVID tool. Then did a reverse search image of each keyframe.
During this, the team received reports from Geo News and Dawn. In which screenshots of the video were used.

It was told in the report that this incident happened in January 2022. An elderly woman was allegedly tortured over a 13-year-old land dispute in Sialkot. After the video went viral, the Sialkot police took action by registering a case against 15 suspects and arrested nine, including four women.
Those arrested included Arif, Timor Qasim, Noor Hussain, Haider Ali, Mubashir Ali, Zeeshan Ali, Asad Ali, SajjadHussain and Yasmin Bibi.
Hence the viral video is misleading. Because the dispute was not communal but about land.