Fake and misleading information is often circulated on social media. These fake pieces of information are shared with manipulated videos and pictures. One such piece of information is going viral about the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Further, Social media users are sharing a picture of Zelenskyy printed on a post office stamp.They claim that Poland has issued a postage stamp of Zelenskyy’s photograph. Meanwhile, a user named Miska Blue Eyes wrote – “A postage stamp with a portrait of #Zelensky was issued in #Poland. Next, they should make one of Stepan Bandera, the infamous Ukrainian Nazi collaborator, with pictures of his war crimes against the Poles…oh wait, there already is a Bandera Postage Stamp.”
Fact Check:
For the fact-check of the viral claim, we searched Poland’s website. But we could not find any information there. Then, we searched on Google regarding the viral stamps of Zelenskyy photo, but there too no credible information available in this context.
On reverse image search, we found a post on Twitter. In this post, a user named Tomasz Dereszyński ( @TomDeresz ) mentioned Poland’s post office while sharing this photo. To which Polish Post ( @PocztaPolska ) replied in Polish. The English of the which goes like, “The stamp with the image of President W. Zelenskyy was ordered by the customer as part of the “My Stamp” service. This service allows you to design a stamp according to your own concept. @PocztaPolska does not sell these stamps, they are the property of the Customer.”
Znaczek z wizerunkiem Prezydenta W. Zełenskiego został zamówiony przez Klienta w ramach usługi "Mój Znaczek". Usługa ta pozwala zaprojektować znaczek wedle własnej koncepcji. @PocztaPolska nie prowadzi sprzedaży tych znaczków, są własnością Klienta.
— PocztaPolska (@PocztaPolska) May 13, 2022
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Therefore, our fact check proves that Polish postal service have not released any stamp with Zelenskyy’s portrait on it. However, a customer ordered the image of the Ukrainian President W. Zelenskyy as a part of the “My Stamp” service. Hence, the claim of the social media users is misleading.
Claim Review: A postage stamp with Zelenskyy’s photo has been issued by Poland.
Claimed By: Miska Blue Eyes and other Social media user Fact Check: Misleading |