Amidst the invasion of Ukraine, a big claim has been made quoting Russian President Vladimir Putin. In...
A picture is becoming massively viral on social media. In which a mosque can be seen with...
A newspaper cutting is going viral on social media. In this viral cutting, it can be seen...
Recently, India has sent another consignment of 40,000 tonnes of diesel under a line of credit to...
A video is becoming very viral on social media. In which a Russian rocket can be seen...
A picture of Rosa Iftar is going viral on social media. The picture shows India’s first Prime...
A post is going viral on social media. In this viral post, the person is claiming that...
After the communal violence video in Jahangirpuri, Delhi on the eve of Hanuman Jayanti social media is...
A piece of news is getting viral that Tennessee legislation will legalize child marriage. Social media is...
Quoting French President Emmanuel Macron A screenshot of BBC News is going viral on social media that...