On October 20, 2021 Prakash Javedkar, BJP MP posted a video of trains filled up to the...
On October 22,2021, Shefali Vaidya, a popular figure on conservative social media posted a screenshot of an...
Since 20 Oct, 2021 , a banner is viral on Facebook and Twitter with the claim that...
On October 21,2021, the Consulting Editor of News Nation TV, Deepak Chaurasia posted an update about the...
Bhartiya Kisan Sangathan account on twitter, which claims itself to be an Indian Farmer’s organization that is...
On October 19,2021, Pakistani news channels claimed to have successfully blocked an Indian Navy submarine from entering...
On October 20,2021, a graphic video started to make rounds on both facebook and twitter. The video...
On October 20, 2021, a user posted a newspaper clipping of an article. In the said article,...
Amidst the ongoing communal riots in Bangladesh, many images and videos are being shared online with fake...
On October 19,2021, Republic TV posted a news article on the ongoing political skirmishes within Punjab. In...