Has Indian military’s latest encounter resulted in the tragic death of two Kashmiri girls?
A video showing smoke billowing out from a house has been shared on X platform (Formerly Twitter) by a pak-based handle with the claim that Indian military targeted a house in Pulwama resulting in tragic deaths of two Kashmiri girls
Sharing this video on X, an account with username @PSYWAROPS wrote: “#BREAKING NEWS: In a brut@l att@ck, the Ind!an mil!tary rep0rtedly t@rgeted a res!dential h0use in the N!hama area of Pulw@ma d!strict, in IIOJK. This hein0us act resulted in the trag!c de@ths of two inn0cent Kashm!ri g!rls, Sa!ma Akr@m, aged 12, and S@meena Akr@”

The account had shared plethora of misinformation in the past as well.
The DFRAC team investigated the shared video by converting it into some Key frames. We reverse-searched these key frames on google and found a latest report by Indian Express carrying a screen grab from the shared video. According to this report, two militants were killed on Monday (June 3) in an encounter with security forces in south Kashmir’s Pulwama, the Jammu and Kashmir Police said.

Furthermore, reports from Hindustan times and Rising Kashmir stated that two terrorists, including a top commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorist outfit were killed in an encounter with security forces on Monday in Kakapora village of south Kashmir’s Pulwama district, police said.

Moreover, a tweet by Kashmir Zone Police on X also cited similar facts and refuting the above claim made through shared video.

It is evident from DFRAC’s Fact-Check that the claim made with video stating that the recent encounter in Pulwama resulted in tragic death of two Kashmiri girls is misleading. In reality, two terrorists were killed in the encounter that broke out between militants and security forces.
Analysis: Misleading