A social media user Praveen Arya wrote on his tweet ,” राजस्थान से कई मुसलमान लङके कश्मीर घूमने गये। वहां ये लोग जोर शोर से नारे लगाने लगे पाकिस्तान जिंदाबाद! भारत को हिंदू राष्ट्र नहीं बनने देंगे! नारा लगाने वाल लफंगेे देशद्रोहियों को भारतीय सैनिकों ने ऐसे ठोका कि हालत खराब कर दी। अब लुच्चे लफंगे ऐसे नारें लगाने से पहले सौ बार सोचेंगे।
Which roughly states that the Muslim guys were who shouting for Pakistan saying “Pakistan zindabad” are terrorists and shall be treated like this only, so in the future nothing like such happens.
This video was spread all over the internet claiming the same.
Fact Check
When we reframed this news image on social media, we find out the truth of this picture being viral. The viral video is from Feburary 2020 , which was of community riots at Delhi, where of of many injured persons one was found dead.
Also we got a report from HW English when the dead person was claimed as Faizan from Kadampuri, Delhi. Apart from this the person who beat up the guy found dead was a head constable in police.
This viral video is misleading .
Claim review: Muslim guys from Rajasthan got beating from the soldiers in Kashmir.
Claim by- Facebook and twitter users
Fact Check- fake