A video of PM Narendra Modi with some children has gone viral on social media. While sharing the video, users wrote, “The fourth fail has gone to make a reel in schools built by Kejriwal. By the way, these children themselves are much smarter than this fourth fail. There is no need to explain to the children.”
Fact Check
During the investigation, DFRAC found the claim to be false. We found a similar video on the official YouTube channel of ‘Narendra Modi,’ uploaded on December 18, 2023, with the description: “Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited a government school that was upgraded and interacted with children. PM had a heartfelt interaction with the tiny tots and other children as they narrated how their school has been transformed and is helping them in their academics.”
Furthermore, we also found a report from ‘Republic World’ carrying a similar video, published on December 18, 2023, titled: “Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with tiny tots during a school visit in Varanasi.”
It is evident from DFRAC’s fact check that the viral video is from PM Narendra Modi’s visit to Varanasi in December 2023, not from a school built by Arvind Kejriwal. Therefore, the claim made by social media users is misleading.