A Pakistan-based account recently shared a viral claim on social media stating, “Seven #Indian soldiers were killed and several injured in an ambush by Kạshmiri frẹẹdom fightẹrs yesterday in Bandipora, Jammu and Kashmir.”
Fact Check
During the investigation, DFRAC found the claim to be false. An official tweet from the Chinar Corps – Indian Army on January 4, 2025, clarified the situation. The tweet read: “On 04 Jan 24, while performing duty in Bandipora District, a vehicle of the Indian Army skidded and fell into a gorge due to inclement weather and poor visibility conditions. Injured soldiers were promptly evacuated for medical care with assistance from Kashmiri locals, for which we express gratitude towards the citizens for providing immediate succour.”
Furthermore, multiple media reports corroborated the facts. According to The Tribune report published on January 4, 2025, “Four Army personnel died, and another was injured when their vehicle skidded off the road and fell into a gorge due to inclement weather and poor visibility in Jammu and Kashmir’s Bandipora district on Saturday. This was the second such tragedy in less than two weeks. The accident occurred near SK Payen in the north Kashmir district where the soldiers were on duty.”
Additionally, a report from The New Indian Express published on January 5, 2025, stated: “Four Army personnel lost their lives and two others were injured after the vehicle in which they were travelling skidded off the road and fell into a deep gorge in north Kashmir’s Bandipora district on Saturday.”
It is evident from DFRAC’s fact check that the claim circulating on social media about seven Indian soldiers being killed in an ambush by Kashmiri freedom fighters is false. The incident in Bandipora, Jammu and Kashmir, involved a tragic accident where four soldiers died, and two others were injured when their vehicle skidded off the road due to bad weather conditions.