There are many accounts on social media that claim to work for a greater cause like equality or justice. However, they alter the information in a way that amplifies hatred between communities.
مرصد الأقليات المسلمة @turkistantuzbah is one such account. In the bio, it claims to be “an account that deals with issues of Muslim minorities.” This account shared a video with the caption, “في الهند ما زالت مأساة المسلمين مستمرة.. وما زال يسري عليهم قانون الشوارع.. فكل يوم يخرج الهندوس للبحث عن مسلمين ليفرغوا فيهم حقدهم بعدما تيقنوا أن حكومة مودي المتطرفة تريد ذلك… كما في المقطع، قاموا بنزع الحجاب من رؤوس هذه الفتيات المسلمات فقط لأنهن مسلمات.”
“In India, the tragedy of Muslims continues. the street law still applies to them. Every day, the Hindus go out to search for Muslims to vent their hatred to them, after they realized that the extremist Modi government wanted that. As in the clip, they removed the Hijab from the heads of these Muslim girls. Just because they are Muslim.” – English Translation
This tweet went viral with more than 2.5K retweets and 4.1K likes till date.
Furthermore, quoting this tweet, another social media user, @lolelsaher4 wrote, “و يبقى السؤال أين مائتي مليون مسلم هندي مما يحدث لاخواتهم في #الهند واين دول الخليج التي قرابة ثلث سكانها من الهنود مما يحدث #طرد_العمالة_الهندوسية #عدي_التميمي”
“And the question remains: Where are the two hundred million Indian Muslims from what is happening to their sisters in #الهند and where are the Gulf states, whose population is about one-third of the Indians, from what is happening? #Expulsion of Hindu workers #Uday_al-Tamimi.” – English Translation
Fact Check
Probing on the video, the DFRAC team found that this video is five years old. This video is getting viral in recent days with different types of misleading captions. A fact-check of which has already been done by the team.
The same video was uploaded on Youtube five year ago by the channel named, ‘Kota Teja naidu’. In the description of the video, it was mentioned that, “It happened in somewhere in Telugu speaking state, mostly Telangana where two ladies were caught red handed stealing things in super markets.”
In the video, hijab-clad women were caught stealing while shopping, with no communal angle involved. Therefore, the claims of social media users regarding this video are false and condemnable.
Claim Review: The Hijab from the heads of these Muslim girls was removed Just because they were Muslim. Claimed by: @turkistantuzbah, @lolelsaher4 and other social media users. Fact Check: False |