Leonardo DiCaprio
Amidst Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Hindustan Times claimed in a report that American actor Leonardo DiCaprio has donated $10 million to Ukraine.
Hindustan Times reported in its report that the actor has personal links with Ukraine. Because his maternal grandmother Helene Indenbirken was born there. But, in 1917 she moved to Germany with her parents. Furthermore, it also claimed that Leonardo’s donation to his grandmother’s native land was announced by the International Visegrad Fund.
Moreover, several other media houses including Tribune India, India Times, India today, India tv, outlook, ib times, NDTV, and FilmyBeat have made similar claims in their reports.
Fact Check:
On checking the above claim, we got a report from Insider. In the report, the International Visegrad Fund told that it has no record of any donation received from the actor.
Further, the organization’s spokesperson Lucia Becova stated that “We are not aware, nor do we have any information about Leonardo DiCaprio donating USD 10 million/£ 7.6 million to Ukraine. The International Visegrad Fund did not announce this information..”
Hence, the claim of American actor Leonardo DiCaprio donating $10 million to Ukraine from various media houses is fake.
Claim Review: Leonardo DiCaprio donates $10 million to Ukraine
Claimed by: Hindustan Times, Tribune India, India Times, India today, India tv, outlook, ib times, NDTV, and FilmyBeat Fact check– fake |