Hybrid warfare, a cunning military tactic, combines the forces of conventional, irregular, and cyber warfare, along with...
A columnist named Gopal Goswami who calls himself a Sanatani Hindu has recently come under our radar...
In recent developments, efforts have been made by DFRAC team to address the dissemination of content by the Chinese...
Foreign soils have become home to international campaigns aimed at criticizing India and leveraging the powerful and...
Pakistan has waged a battle of misinformation against India and it still continues to do so by...
Mohammed Anas New Delhi The cyber warfare of Pakistan military and groups linked to it targeting India...
Pakistan as a state is almost spreading its apron to get funds from International Monetary Fund (IMF)...
Tibetan spiritual master Dalai Lama has always been on the target of China, this time China tried...
Last week when Uttarkashi erupted in anti-Muslim mayhem following an alleged kidnap and conversion of a Hindu...
N.C Asthana is a retired IPS officer and as per his Twitter bio he is a Nuclear...