Source: X Source: linkedin Atban Hanif, a Pakistani citizen residing in Karachi, presents himself as a digital...
Executive Summary On October 20, 2024, Kashmir’s Ganderbal district witnessed a brutal attack by The Resistance Front...
Zakir Naik, a polarising Wahabi preacher with a history of contentious statements and radical affiliations, recently made...
The trend of parody accounts proliferates on social media platforms, giving rise to misinformation and antipathetic narratives on...
Mohammed Elhami, an Egyptian citizen residing in Istanbul, Turkey, is a distinguished history professor with extensive research...
July Khalistan Referendum 2024 (A Bird’s Eye View) Promoted by common accounts on Social media (Dissenting Voices...
PrefaceWhat happens when journalists on foreign soil, with pockets to fill, seize another country's turmoil? They weave...
The upticks in the field of technology and digitalization have granted a plethora of opportunities for all...
Right-wing activist Kajal Shingala, known as Kajal Hindustani, has rapidly become a notorious figure in Hindutva politics...
“There’s a moment where you choose whether to be silent or to stand up, and somewhere inside...