Renowned author of Kaafir’s Love, Hundred lives for U, Predator, Edge Of Machete, Abhisar Sharma is getting...
Another hour passed with the Russia-Ukraine war and another news round the corner is spreading with rapid...
Amidst Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Hindustan Times claimed in a report that American actor Leonardo DiCaprio has...
A picture is going viral on the internet. Sharing the picture users are claiming that BSP votes...
A video of a mob is going viral on the Social Media Platform. Sharing the video social...
A screenshot of CNN is going viral on the internet. The screenshot includes a picture of a...
Zelensky, president of Ukraine is getting mocked everywhere on social media. The video shows a man singing...
Under the Ukraine-Russia conflict, users are claiming that the first female pilot of Ukraine has died due...
Almost 3k plus students have reached safely from Ukraine to India according to the reports. As per...
FIFA and UEFA now have decided to expel all Russians from all types of the international club or...