A video has been widely shared on @X with the claim that 14 tonnes of dog meat has been seized at Bengaluru’s KSR railway station, which was brought for supply to hotels. While sharing this video, users are also alleging that the name of the accused is criminal Abdul Razak, who has been caught red-handed here. He is from the Congress party or is a supporter of Congress.

Several other users are also sharing videos claiming that dog meat was seized at Bengaluru KSR railway station, which can be seen here, here, here and here.
Fact Check
On Investigation, we found a report by Hindustan Times stating that the seized meat was of goat, not dog’s meat. As per the report, “Food safety officials clarified that the meat samples taken from KSR railway station on Saturday were of goat meat and not dog meat mixed in it as claimed. The meat was specially imported from Rajasthan to meet the demand for mutton in Bengaluru.”
Moreover, reports from The Time Press and Curly Tales cited that the seized meat was not of dogs but goats’, which was brought for supply to the hotels in Bengaluru.

Link- Hindustan Times, The Time Press & Curly Tales
The statement of Food Safety Commissioner K Srinivas has also been found in these reports. The Food Safety Commissioner said, “According to the laboratory tests conducted by us, it was not dog meat. It was a special breed of goat called Sirohi which is popular in Rajasthan and Kutch-Bhuj areas of Gujarat. These goats have spots on their body and the tail is a little longer, so it looks like a dog. Some traders in Bangalore have been ordering goat meat from Rajasthan for some time now.”
It is evident from the DFRAC’s fact check that the claim being made by social media users is false. According to food safety officials, the meat samples taken at KSR railway station were found to be goat meat. Therefore, the claim of 14 tonnes of dog meat being seized is false.