A twitter post dated July 1, 2024 claims, ” Indian poIitician, PrajwaI Revanna, says that the Iaws punishing rapists shouId be abrogated and that rape shouId be IegaIized. He says it is the right of a man to sIeep with any woman he Iikes, even if forcefuIIy.” The twitter user named PSYWAR Bureau (@psywarops) has firstly shared the claim.

On similar terms, another user named Hello Pakistan (@HelloPKofficial) also shared the claim.

Fact Check
We investigated the viral claim by using Keyword search on Google. During the process, we find the claim is Fake. There have been no verified statements made by the accused politician, Prajwal Revanna, regarding the issue at hand. A thorough search of media reports also yielded no matches or corroboration for the claims in question. As the matter is currently under sub judice, meaning it is under judicial consideration and therefore it is essential to rely on official court proceedings and verified information. Additionally, Prajwal Revanna is currently in police custody.
What’s the News?
According to media reports, a court remanded the former JD(S) MP Prajwal Revanna, who is facing charges of rape and sexual abuse of several women, to judicial custody until July 8. He was produced before the 42nd Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court Judge after his four-day Special Investigation Team (SIT) custody ended on Saturday. On Monday, Revanna was remanded to judicial custody until July 8. But he was later sent to SIT custody until June 29 by the magistrate court judge after the police sought a body warrant through the Special Public Prosecutor (SPP).

The matter is under sub judice and the politician is under police custody. Thus, no such statement has been made by Prajwal Revanna. The viral claim made by Pak users is Fake.