The Covid-19 pandemic is still a challenge after three years of continuously wreaking havoc in the world. In recent days, a rise in cases has been noticed in many parts of the world, including India. In this backdrop, a news report went viral on social media. It is about Russian President Vladimir Putin ordering destruction of the whole vaccine stockpile in his country following the “assassination” of the scientist who was instrumental in producing Russian vaccine, Sputnik V. The sensational news report was carried by a site called Real Raw News which caught the attention of social media users.
The viral news headline reads, “Putin Orders Destruction of All- Covid -19 Vaccines in Russia.”

This claim was later shared by many verified and non-verified social media users.

Fact Check:
To investigate the veracity of the above, claim we did a simple keyword search and found that no news as such on any main stream media outlet.
Then we carefully searched on know about the site section of the website, Real Raw News. In its disclaimer column, it was clearly mentioned that the website contains humour, parody and satire content.

After a careful search, it is clear that the viral news report is merely a hoax or satire that was published by a website devoted to such content. Hence, the claim on social media about Russia destroying its Covid-19 vaccine stock is fake.