Meanwhile many news went viral on social media sites. In the same context a 40 second video of Rohit Sharma went viral in which he was addressing people. After this a voice over can be heard which states, “Rohit Sharma became emotional after the defeat. The players of the entire Indian team were disappointed due to the defeat from England. Rohit Sharma said, thanks for such support and sorry to all as the team lost the match.”
This video is shared by different people with different captions.
A user on Facebook writes, “Rohit Sharma news today Rohit Sharma update today India versus England news today India versus England latest news today India versus England world news today India versus England news in Hindi Indian versus England all news in Hindi India versus England World music #induseng #+20worldcup.”
Fact Check:
We reverse searched the image on google to investigate the viral video and found the same video uploaded in the year 2021, on the official Instagram page of ROHIT Sharma.
In the video he was talking about the covid times and how one shall follow the covid guidelines.

The video is not of the recent match, nor it is about asking sorry from the audience for not winning the semifinals, but was about the covid guidelines. Also, the video was 1year old.
Hence the claim is fake, as no such statement was given by Rohit Sharma.