A communal picture is getting viral on social media sites. In the viral picture, it is claimed that Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru of the Sikhs. The claim states, “Put your hand up to the elbow in a container of oil,
then put the same hand in a bag of sesame seeds as many times as the
sesame seeds stick to the hand, even if a Muslim swears more than that, do not believe him.”

A user on Twitter posted the same picture with the caption, “we shall Follow Guruji or Gandhiji? (English Translation)
Fact Check:
DFRAC team started to investigate the truth of this claim with the help of some keywords on Google. The team found 52 commandments given by Guru Gobind Singh to be followed strictly.
Not in any of these commandments, we found any communal claim that is getting viral on social media users.
It is proved that the communal picture being circulated on social media in the name of Guru Gobind Singh’s 52 commandments is fake as nothing like the claim was said by Guru Gobind Singh.