A picture is getting viral on Twitter and other social media sites where it is clearly written under the name of UP’s chief minister Yogi Aditya Nath, ‘’ केराना, मुजफ्फरनगर बागपत और मथुरा के जतो का इलाज कर दूंगा 10 मार्च कोवोट भजपा को दे” which roughly states that,’ I will see to the people of Kerana, Muzaffarnagar, Baghpat, and Mathura on March 10. Vote for BJP.”
On this statement to Yogi, there is a lot of agitation in jats and they are spreading this image under the caption likeIf any jat gave the vote to him he shall have his DNA test.
अब भी कोई जाट इसको वोट देगा तो
अपना DNA टेस्ट करवा लियो 🙏🏻 pic.twitter.com/uM69OAdLIT— चाचा चौधरी UP14 (@Chachabanjara) February 3, 2022
Fact Check:
Through reverse image search, we got to know that this viral picture is a photo shopped image of the real tweet of yogi in which he tweeted something like this “कैराना से तमंचावादी पार्टी का प्रत्याशी धमकी दे रहा है, यानी गर्मी अभी शांत नहीं हुई है! 10 मार्च के बाद गर्मी शांत हो जाएगी.” This roughly translates to “The candidate of the Tamanchawadi Party from Kairana is threatening, that is, and the heat has not calmed down yet! After 10th March the heat will cool down”
कैराना से तमंचावादी पार्टी का प्रत्याशी धमकी दे रहा है, यानी गर्मी अभी शांत नहीं हुई है!
10 मार्च के बाद गर्मी शांत हो जाएगी…
— Yogi Adityanath (मोदी का परिवार) (@myogiadityanath) January 29, 2022
Basically, it was a war between two parties i.e. Samajwadi party and BJP. Both the parties were hitting on one another in the trace of UP elections where BJP narrate the” garmi chadh gae hai” to which the Samajwadi party replied with “zayada charbi aa gae hai kha kha ke”.
This is a fight between two parties hitting on each other and nothing like this is said about the jats. Hence this viral picture is misleading.
Claim Review: Yogi threatening the Jats in the UP election speech.
Claimed by: social media users
Fact check: misleading