Claim: A Bangladeshi Facebook account named Md Belal has posted an image with the description “এই হলো ভারতীয় মুসলমান ভাইদের অবস্থা, আল্লাহ আপনি তাদের হেফাজত করুন আমিন,
“, when translated it in English, it was written “This is the condition of Indian Muslim brothers, may Allah protect them Amin”
The post got 63 likes, 8 comments and 3 Shares.
Similar posts shared by other Bangladeshi accounts.
Fact Check:
On performing simple reverse image search, it was found that the image attached with the post is of Una Dalit flogging case of July 2016.

Conclusion: The post done by Md Belal on 6 Sept,2021 to represent the condition of Muslims in India is fake and misleading.