The video was posted by hundreds of handles on both the social media platforms .
(Video posted by multiple handles on Twitter)
Same Video with similar caption posted on Facebook .
Fact-Check: Upon reverse searching the key frames of this video, we found that video was posted by a Pakistani page titled ‘Government Employees’ on July 3, 2021 with the caption in Urdu. The caption reads,” If I am a mufti, I will steal electricity and if anyone stops me, I will kill him”.
Post link – Government Employees
Same video was posted by ARY News’ official Facebook page, on 28 July 2020 .
Post link – ماروں گا یا مرجاوٗگا، کنڈا ہٹانے نہیں دوں گا
Therefore the claim that this video is from India is false and misleading.