A video featuring a young boy and a woman has gone viral on social media. In this video, the woman is seen putting a garland of flowers on the young boy and hugging him. The text on the video reads, “In Kerala, Zeenat Jahan is a Muslim woman whose husband had passed away. She had 3 children. She married her eldest son in her own house.” Users sharing the video wrote, “Keeping the role of family environment.”
Fact Check
During the investigation, DFRAC found the claim to be false. We located a similar video on the Facebook page of ‘Sofi TV,’ uploaded on April 13, 2024. The video is described as a mother welcoming her son after he returns from Itikaf.
It is important to note that Itikaf is a form of worship performed during the month of Ramadan. In the third Ashra of Ramadan (the last 10 days), Muslim men isolate themselves from the world and family, staying in the mosque to worship. They return home only after the moon of Eid is sighted.
It is evident from DFRAC’s fact check, the viral video is not of a Muslim mother-son wedding in Kerala but is from Pakistan. The mother is welcoming her son after he returns from Itikaf during the month of Ramadan. Therefore, the claim made by social media users is misleading.