The Tamil Nadu police are investigating YouTuber Manish Kashyap for spreading fake news. Meanwhile, a claim is...
Kirti Azad, a former cricketer and three-time MP from Darbhanga, Bihar, tweeted a graphic image titled, “SBI’s...
On the occasion Ram Navami, disputes and clashes between two communities have been reported in many cities...
On May 10, the Election Commission of India (ECI) announced that polling will be held in one...
On the occasion Ram Navami, disputes and clashes between two communities have been reported in many cities...
The video, in the Bengali language, shows a group of Muslims engaging in an argument with shopkeepers...
A misleading claim is going viral on social media regarding India’s former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, former...
There are claims circulating on social media that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has deleted all his tweets...
A picture has gone viral on social media. It shows Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal with Union...
A video is currently circulating on social media featuring a conversation between three individuals. In the video,...