A link is being shared on social media, especially WhatsApp. As soon as you open the link, an interface appears – Congratulations! You have a chance to win, click on the G button to get Indian Oil G20 Gifts. Through questions, you will have a chance to win Rs 6000. Then there are questions such as do you know about this G20 summit? What is your age?, Do you thank India? And, Are you a man or a woman?
Following this, many gift boxes will appear on the screen of your phone, After clicking on them you will see an interface showing; Congratulations! You won Rs 6000. According to the rules, now you have to share it with 5 groups or 20 friends. Then enter your address, and gifts will be delivered within 5-7 days.
To verify the reality of the above viral message on social media, the DFRAC team took a glance at the URL “https://needrhetorical.top/FiXwTDDwEEooa?aani1694410488214” meticulously and found that ‘Indian Oil’ is not embedded in this URL. This link is only accessible to mobile phones.
After this, the team visited the official website of Indian Oil and we did not see anything related to G20 gifts here. Then we searched ‘G20 Summit Gifts’ in the search bar of the website, but we did not find anything like that in the results.
Moreover, when we conducted a keyword search on Google in this context, we were not able to discover any information regarding G20 Summit gifts.
The team found that similar fake messages with different claims had gone viral earlier as well in the name of Indian Oil.
A message also went viral in January 2023. In this message, it was claimed that you have a chance to win a fuel subsidy gift of Rs 26,000 from Indian Oil.
In addition to that, a fake message in the name of Indian Oil went viral in April 2022, stating that Indian Oil had warned that filling the petrol tank of the vehicle could result in an explosion.
The DFRAC team fact-checked this fake message which can be read here.
It is clear from DFRAC’s Fact-Check that the viral message of Indian Oil rewarding G20 Summit gifts worth Rs 6000 is completely fake. Such messages can lead to major fraud. That’s why it is important to be careful before sharing your details.