A claim is peddling recently that Sudhir Chaudhary, consulting editor at AajTak has resigned from the news channel. The claim was recently made viral by a social media user named @Hii_Nitish who has named his account as ANI. He shared the tweet with the caption ,”Senior Editor Sudhir Chaudhary resigned from Aajtak.
He said Kicked by same foot the one you have been licking for years is hurts my self respect : Sources”

Other social media users were also found to share the viral claim about Sudhir Chaudhary’s resignation.

The DFRAC’s team ran a fact check about the viral claim. After examining the tweet from the account claiming to be ANI, we discovered that its username was @Hii_Nitish. The official handle of the news agency ANI is @ANI.

Additionally, the fake ANI account’s bio stated that it was a parody account. Furthermore, the account now has changed its name from ANI to Sudhir Chaudhary and the bio still reads as ’Parody’.

Additionally, we checked the official accounts of Sudhir Chaudhary and Aaj Tak. Neither of them have shared any such news about his resignation nor released any such official statements.
From the fact check it is evident that the ANI account which shared the viral claim is a Parody.
No official announcements made by either the channel or Sudhir Chaudhary’s personal social media accounts regarding this matter. Hence, the viral claim is fake.