In a Twitter thread, a user wrote that “Sardar Patel had opposed this law brought pandit Jawaharalal Nehru and that he had threatened to resign from Cabinet and Congress on this issue. After Patel’s intervention, Nehru had put this law on backbench. However, Patel died after some time and Nehru brought back this Article into Constitution.”

Other users are also made similar claim by sharing the same thread.

Fact Check:
To know the truth of the viral claim, the DFRAC made a search about Article 30(A) on Google. It stumbled upon a report of Jagran Josh. This report explains “What is the Article30(A) of Indian Constitution?”.
It says that Article 30(A) provides many rights to linguistic and religious minorities. It also empowers these minorities to establish educational institutes.

Article 30 clearly states that minorities have right to establish and administer their educational institutions.
Article 30(I) says that religious minorities will have right to establish and run educational institutes of their choice.
Article 30(1A) gives right of acquiring property for the establishment of educational institutions by minorities.
Article 30(2) says that the state will not show any bias while allocating funds to institutes on the ground that they have been established by religious and linguistic minorities.
source : indiankanoon
The fact is that Article 30(A) of Indian Constitution talks about religious and linguistic minorities of India getting rights to establish educational institutions. It doesn’t prevent Hindus from teaching and learning Hinduism. Therefore, the viral claim is utterly misleading.