By sharing this a user captioned: “ What will happen now? Deepika is not desisting from burning the devotees!”
Source: Twitter
Meanwhile, many other users are sharing a similar claim.

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter
Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook
Fact Check:
To know the reality of the viral claim the team of DFRAC did a reverse image search and found the image source. The team found that Vogue covered this report in the year 2019, with the URL heading- “ Deepika Padukone best looks at Cannes film festival 2019 day1.”
We can see Deepika in different outfits and one of the outfits with saffron shoes is making rounds recently.

Source: Vogue
On, further searches the team found many other media houses have covered this report.

Source: timesofindia

Source: peepingmoon

Source: hindustantimes

Source: india.com
It is clear from the fact check of DFRAC and many media houses reports that the viral claim of Deepika mocking protestors of the film Pathaan is wrong. Because the picture of Deepika wearing saffron shoes is from the year 2019 at the Cannes Film Festival not recent. Therefore the claim made by social media users is Misleading.