A picture is going viral on social media where left side there is a picture of Sonia Gandhi and on the right side there is a picture of a young lady.
People on social media are claiming that picture to be of Sonia Gandhi when she was young.
A user on Twitter writes, “No words but Picture!!! #sexysonia #IsupportArnabGoswami #ArnabGoswamiRock.” (English Translation)
Another user on Facebook shared the same picture with the same claim

Fact Check:
To investigate on the viral picture, we reverswe searched the picture and found the actress on the right side is Reese witherspoon.
After this the team used specific keywords to find the simmilar image and found one in the article by BL (BEST LIFE) with the headline, “Relive Reese Witherspoon’s Last 25 Years in Hollywood, in Photos”.

The lady who was claimed as young Sonia Gandhi is in reality an Actor and Producer Reese Witherspoon, hence the claim of social media users of calling her Sonia Gandhi is fake.