Sharing the video Coordinator & Reporter @epanchjanya, Ambuj Bharadwaj captioned, “Congress govt in Rajasthan demolishes Hanuman Mandir at Abu. Lathi charged and detained all Hindu protestors.”

Another Twitter user wrote, “#Congress govt in Rajasthan demolishes Hanuman Mandir at Abu. Lathi charged and detained all Hindu protestors. And Rahul Gandhi Says he is Hindu.

Similarly, many other social media users have shared the video with a similar claim.
Fact Check
On keyword search, the DFRAC found a report by The Times of India about the same incident. In the report it was mentioned that “According to Abu Road SDM Neelam Lakhara, one Kantilal Upadh had moved the high court in November 2018 raising the issue of encroachment on a pond at Satpur, stating that the temple had changed the character of the pond as the shrine was b built on its boundary.”
Therefore, the temple was an illegal encroachment due to which the pond was marred. And, it which demolished after the orders of the High court. Hence, there is no communal angle involved in it.