Social media uses are sharing the video with lots of aggression and giving it an angle of communalism and claiming the video to be of recent times.
A user on twitter writes, ‘Watch what happens to a Hindu girl after love jihad.’ (English Translation)
Another user writes, ‘This person must be immediately terminated from his job and domestic violence case must be registered against this guy. Whichever city this video is from, people of that city must come together to save this woman and the child. #AftabAminPoonawalla #HindusUnderAttack.’
Similar video is being shared by different users with different captions giving it a communal angle.
Fact Check:
To investigate the viral video we used certain key words and found this case report. In the report it was mentioned the case was filed years ago on various charges. In the report the name of his wife is Ayesha Bano and she is fighting the case for the custody of her child.

On further reading the report of various media like News 18 houses we got to know the domestic violence case is from the year 2015 and not of recent times.

The old video of the year 2015 is being shared with communal angle.
Claim Review: a Muslim guy is beating his Hindu wife.
Claimed by: social media users
Fact Check: misleading