Similarly, many other users have tweeted a similar claim.
Fact Check
According to the PIB press release of recommendation of the 47th GST council meeting, the GST levied on work contracts for bridges, roads, metros, effluent treatment plants, and crematoriums increased from 12% to 18%.
Apart from this, as per CGST-Act-2017-amended-01012022.pdf, Services of funeral, burial, crematorium or mortuary including transportation of the deceased are included under the ACTIVITIES OR TRANSACTIONS WHICH SHALL BE TREATED NEITHER AS A SUPPLY OF GOODS NOR A SUPPLY OF SERVICES.

Further, in this reference we also got reports of many media houses including livemint.
Therefore, the viral claim that Government have levied 18% GST on crematoriums is misleading.
Claim Review: Government have levied 18% GST on crematoriums is misleading. Claimed by: Social media users Fact Check: Misleading. |