Similarly, many other users have shared this picture with the same claim.
Fact Check
On reverse image search we found the same picture on the website of almasdaronline. The article was published on December 10, 2015, with the title, “Yemeni activists send a message to the participants in the Yemeni negotiations: Stop the war.” Therefore, this picture is old and is not related to the earthquake in Afghanistan.
Moreover, we also found a Facebook post with a similar picture of January 6, 2015. Further, the caption of the picture was in Arabic which can be nearly translated into English, “I had a home here. They destroyed it and made me homeless.”
Therefore, from our fact-check analysis, it is clear that this picture is not of Afghanistan but of Yemen. And, users are sharing the picture with the misleading claim.
Claim Review: A child in Afghanistan survived the earthquake. Claimed by: social media users. Fact Check: misleading |