We know what we are fighting for. How about Russia?
私たちは何のために戦っているのかを知っています。ロシアはどうですか? pic.twitter.com/8FEInU3bWn— セルギー・コルスンスキー駐日ウクライナ特命全権大使 (@KorsunskySergiy) February 15, 2022
Mikael Salo, a Facebook user posted the same picture of a samurai man and identified him as a Japanese ambassador in Ukraine. He also considered him a warrior and posted the picture on 27th February 2022.

Fact check
After searching for the Japanese ambassador to Ukraine, we found that the man shown in the picture is not the ambassador. Instead, Matsuda Kuninori is the working ambassador of Japan to Ukraine. In 2021, he attained the position.
Therefore, the picture and claim is fake as the Samurai man is not the Japanese ambassador of Ukraine.
Claim Review: the Japanese Ambassador became a Samurai warrior to fight against Russia.
Claim by: Mikael Salo
Fact check: Fake