A recent message circulating on WhatsApp has caught the attention of many. The message attached below informs the public about a new “Pradhan Mantri Rambaan Suraksha Scheme” which would give every young person in the country a sum of Rs4000. There is a link attached with this message as well.
Here is what the website looks like:
The website made for this website seems like a clear fake to us as all websites of Government of India end their URLs with “.gov”. The Government of India has no history in creating websites on BlogSpot which is also a clear indicator of fake news.
Additionally, we went through the list of schemes currently offered by the government of India and there is no mention of a Rambaad Suraksha Scheme. This entire plot seems like a way to scam people out of their data as well as more serious crimes.
This news is therefore false. We urge our readers not to click on such links without verifying it with the relevant authorities first.