The International Film Festival of India (IFFI) of 2022 saw the world waking up to new genre...
In the year 2020, non-resident Keralites sent Rs. 2.3 lakh crore back to India, which accounted for...
This is not the first case, when the issues of distant states have become political issues in...
Millets have got the name ‘Shri Anna’ in 2023-24 Union Budget. The Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced...
Mohd Fahad Seeing the increasing popularity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered Generative Pre Training Transformer (GPT) Chat...
In the media war against India, only Pakistan and the handlers sitting outside Pakistan are considered guilty...
First, the death of 69 children in Gambia in October, now 19 kids die in Uzbekistan’s Samarkand....
What India can do now is ensure that the country does not repeat the mistakes that its...
Refreshing the memory of the Galvan incident in Ladakh two years ago, on the 9th of this...
Violence has once again flared up on the Assam-Meghalaya border. Six people were killed and several injured...