A video has been shared on social media as Sambhaji Nagar in Maharashtra. This video has been...
A short video clip is going viral on social media sites. In the video, some people can...
There is a claim being made on social media that the assistant actress of the controversial film...
An African woman who was visiting Rishikesh was in an accident, and instead of helping her, people...
A graphic poster is going viral on social media, featuring a photograph of India’s Chief Justice, D.Y....
With her speeches that are centered around Hindutva and anti-Muslim rhetoric, Kajal Shingala aka Kajal Hindustani seems...
Several videos are being shared on social media websites claiming that after Congress’ victory in Karnataka, the...
On social media sites, there is a claim being made about Congress leader Rahul Gandhi that he...
A message is going viral on social media claiming that ‘only Hindu Temples have to pay taxes...
A photo of Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Sachin Tendulkar is getting viral in which Dhoni can be...