In the backdrop of the Israel and Hamas conflict, various photos and videos have surged on social...
Megha Bajaj
A video of a Popular Actress Rashmika Mandanna has taken the Internet by Storm. In this video,...
News is going viral on social media platforms claiming that 8 UAE planes carrying military aid and...
Civilians on both sides have been facing severe atrocities since the war between Israel and Hamas has...
A video is going viral on social media site X(Twitter). In this video, a reporter can be...
Fact-Check: Anti-Israel protestors burned a police officer in London amid the Israel-Hamas Conflict.
Fact-Check: Anti-Israel protestors burned a police officer in London amid the Israel-Hamas Conflict.
Ever since the Israel- Hamas Conflict began, social media platforms have been flooded with photos and videos...
A video has recently surfaced online on social media site X(Twitter) showing the Queen of Jordan asserting...
Fact-Check: Has Pepsi modified its Product Design to support Palestinian Culture? Here’s the Reality
Fact-Check: Has Pepsi modified its Product Design to support Palestinian Culture? Here’s the Reality
Protests have been held around the world in support of Palestine since Israeli military forces conducted airstrikes...
A video has surfaced online purportedly showing some Muslim women engaging in a verbal dispute with a...
The unrest between Israel and Hams continues as Israeli military troops have recently conducted their second ground...