A viral post on social media shows a picture of BJP’s national spokesperson, Sambit Patra with a quote saying, “The child tied to the back of Queen Lakshmi Bai was none other than Modi Ji.” This viral post is shared with the caption, “If I say something, it will lead to a controversy.”

Fact Check
To verify the viral claim, the DFRAC conducted a keyword search on whether Sambit Patra has anything like this on a public forum. No news reports or any links were found on this quote.
Additionally, we searched about Rani Lakshmi Bai’s son. The name of her son name is Damodar Rao, who was her adopted son. He was born on 15 November 1849. He died in the year 1906 on 28th May.

Moreover, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s date of birth is 17 September 1950.

There is no relation between the Rani Lakshmi Bai and PM Modi. And there is also a huge difference in the time gap between the two personalities. As shown in the biography of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on an official Government of India website.
Furthermore, we conducted a keyword search of the post on ABP Live’s social media and website. But we couldn’t find anything regarding this image.
This viral post is fake, as the image shared within this post is digitally manipulated. BJP’s national spokesperson, Sambit Patra has not made such a remark in a public forum or elsewhere. This post seems like a satirical post, as we can see in the caption which is shared with an emoji, saying, “If I say something, it will lead to a controversy.”
Rani Lakshmi Bai’s son’s timeline is from 15 November 1849 to 28 May 1906.
Meanwhile, PM Modi’s birthdate is 17 September 1950. It shows there is no relation between these two figures.