On social media, a post about Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) Chairman BR Naidu’s daughter has gone viral. The post claims: “The daughter of the chairman of India’s famous Tirupati temple accepted Islam after being influenced by the life of the beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, and now she has changed her name to Amina Nasreen.”
Fact Check
During the investigation, DFRAC found the claim to be fake. We did not find any official news reports supporting this assertion. In fact, we found multiple media reports regarding the new Chairman of TTD. According to a Times of India report published on January 6, 2025, “Industrialist and media baron Bollineni Rajagopal Naidu (BR Naidu) was sworn in as the new chairman of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams on Wednesday. BR Naidu, who was recently nominated as the new chairman of TTD by the Andhra Pradesh government, first offered prayers to Lord Venkateswara Swamy inside the Tirumala temple along with his family members.”
Furthermore, we also found a report from The New Indian Express, published on January 9, 2025, which states, “Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) Chairman, BR Naidu, expressed his deep sorrow over the stampede that claimed six lives at the token distribution center for Vaikuntha Dwara Sarvadarshan in Tirupati on Wednesday.”
It is evident from DFRAC’s fact check that the claim of the Temple Chairman’s daughter becoming Muslim is fake, as there is no credible evidence to support this assertion.