Old video from Maharashtra recently peddled with False claims
A video showing a man hanging from a tree upside down has recently surfaced on the social media site X(Twitter). Users have shared this video and claimed that this is how Muslims are treated in India.
An X account named The Saviour which created a history of sharing misleading videos on X, has recently shared this video with the caption: “TREATMENT OF MUSLIM IN INDIA”

Furthermore, other users have also shared this video on X and similar claims.

The DFRAC team investigated the viral video by converting it into some Keyframes. We reverse-searched these keyframes on Google and found some media reports during this process.
Media reports from Jansatta, Danik Bhaskhar, Live Hindustan and ABPlive
According to a media report by ABP Live dated 28 August 2023, Four Dalit men in Maharashtra’s Ahmednagar district were hanged upside down from a tree and beaten with sticks by a group of six individuals over suspicions of goat and pigeon theft. One accused has been arrested in connection with the act while the remaining five are currently evading capture, a spokesperson from the Ahmednagar police said, as reported by news agency PTI.
Further, the report stated: “Following the incident, the injured men were transported to a nearby hospital. One of the victims, Shubham Magade, subsequently lodged a formal complaint with the police”.

In addition, Reports from Live Hindustan, Jansatta and Dainik Bhaskar cited similar facts in the context of the above viral video.
There was no mention of Muslims in media reports
It is evident from DFRAC ‘s fact-check that the viral video claiming this is how Muslims are treated in India is misleading as the victims seen in the viral video are Dalits. Moreover, the video is from August 2023, not the recent one.