By sharing this video a verified user Rahul Sisodia captioned: “ A powerful 7.7- magnitude #earthquake in #Indonesia was caught on camera.”

Source: Twitter
Many other social media users are sharing a similar claim.

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter
Meanwhile, many news media houses have also covered the Indonesia earthquake report in different languages.

Source: hashtagu
Source: bangla.latestly

Source: infostart.hu
Fact Check:
To know the reality of the viral video the team of DFRAC convert the video into some keyframes and afterward did a reverse image search. The team found a similar Facebook post on 18 September 2022 by ( 卓溪鄉登山協會 ) Zhuoxi Township Mountaineering Association, their caption: “ In the 1,000-meter Zhuoxi Mountain Handmade trail x ethnic flora and fauna course, Gao Jianxiang’s teaching, encountered an earthquake, the mountain sound, can only calm the trainees, try to lie on the bottom of the body, fortunately, the Forestry Bureau’s Zhuoxi Observatory, which has been more than 50 years old, is still stable, and the trainees also go down the mountain afterward. ( English Translation)

Source: Facebook
To get more information about the video on further searches the team found ftv news ( Formosa Television) a Taiwan-based digital television news channel that has covered this report. The Heading captioned: “ The strong shaking does not stop! Zhuoxi Mountain shook the sky and recorded the sound of earthquakes.” (English Translation)

Source: ftvnews

Source: ettoday.net

Source: taiwannews
At the same time, the team found several tweets from social media users about the earthquake destruction in different parts of Taiwan city.

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter
It is clear from the fact check of DFRAC and several media reports that the viral video of the powerful earthquake is not from Indonesia but from Taiwan.